Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Android L vs Android KitKat

Heres the hands on preview of Andoird L vs Android KitKat.
The major difference in these two versions  is that Android L(yet to be named) is more given sort of 'cards stack' like look with some animations improved and various other colors from the palatte.And even the lock screen has changed here which you can see in the video with dialer and a camera icon to left and right respectively.The stack look gives more fluidity to the Android L version i Nexus 5.
The calculator UI is notably has improved in sense of touch reactions and animations also the colors of the UI change as the calculator opens.
The boot time for both the android versions are same but the animations on the start up have been changed .
So you can say theres a lot of change in UI look,animations,colors more fluidity.

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